Dining Hall Expansion
Design Build Delivery
Completed fall 2013
Sited on the east face of the existing Student Union, the dining hall expansion was conceived of as an alternative to expanding the seating capacity of the congested dining hall. The student union was landlocked and had already reached its maximum square footage for construction type. The dining hall expansion was designed as a separate sited structure on an existing landscape island within the university's central corridor with a pedestrian bridge that connected to the existing dining hall. This approach allowed for overflow dining seating on a second level with views of the San Francisco mountains while also maintaining the prominent pedestrian path under the bulding. This strategy also allowed the expansion of the dining hall without adding to its existing building's square footage. A design build approach was chosen to implement this project given a 10 month schedule.
Flagstaff, Arizona
Work performed for Jason Boyer Architects.
Photography by Bill Timmerman.